for Resilience

for Resilience

is what we desire in one form or another, even if we find it through being alone, through the agency of silence or through the felt need to walk at a distance: the meeting with something or someone other than ourselves, the light brush of grass on the skin, the ruffling breeze, the actual touch of another’s hand; even the gentle first touch of an understanding which until now, we were formally afraid to hold…” (David Whyte).

Many of you are here in the western US with us and we just wanted to send a word of support to all of you for your resilience and ability to rise each day and greet the day with hope and possibility. 

We’ve added more classes and changed the schedule up a bit at Bend Wellness Center online and at the office. Drs. Mike and Jennifer have both added more hours to serve you more fully. Dr. Mike’s sessions combine chiropractic adjustments with soft tissue work for healing musculoskeletal pain and injury and optimizing function and performance. Dr. Jenn’s sessions are based on Network Spinal Analysis, a technique that helps you effortlessly experience, harness, and evolve the energetics that shape your life, health, relationships, business, and reality…as you know it.

Here is our new weekly class schedule - all via Zoom unless otherwise noted:

  • TUESDAY 4:30pm FOUNDATION TRAINING with Dr. Mike (outside at Bend Wellness Center when the whether is nice) 

  • WEDNESDAY 4:30pm DEEP PEACE with Dr. Jenn and Lydia Hwang (A sound healing journey with meditation, pranayama, mudras and gentle yin/restorative yoga postures)


  • FRIDAY 9:30am YOGA FLOW with Dr. Jenn 

You can register easily online:

Create time for yourself and energy for your healing. These extraordinary times call for extraordinary healing and connection.

“…And the world touches us in many ways, some of which are violations of the body or our hopes for safety: through natural disaster, through heartbreak, through illness, through death itself. In the ancient world the touch of a God was seen as both a blessing and a violation - at one and the same time. Being alive in the world means being found by the world and sometimes touched to the core in ways we would rather not experience. Growing with our bodies, all of us find ourselves at one time violated or wounded by this world in difficult ways, and still we live and breathe in this touchable, sensual world, and through trauma, through grief, through recovery, we heal in order to be touched again in the right way, as the physical consecration of a mutual, trusted invitation” (“Touch” by David Whyte).

Be in touch, you’ve got this and we’ve got your back,
Drs. Jennifer and Mike

P.S. We are always so grateful for your referrals as we continue to cultivate a healing community here at Bend Wellness Center. Thank you so much!

Network Chiropractic: Doorways to Healing

Network Chiropractic: Doorways to Healing

Chiropractic and Healing from Trauma

Chiropractic and Healing from Trauma